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Curriculum Introduction

We have designed our curriculum around our school ethos of Be Proud, Be Positive and Be Polite.

This means that our curriculum design shown high expectations, focuses on the opportunity for every child to succeed and expects that every child will be included in every activity.  Within the teaching and learning we encourage children to be resilient learners and to access work independently. Children are also encouraged to learn from their mistakes. Ultimately, we want our children to be productive members of society who show they respect, and value each other and those around them and understand it is important to contribute to wider life in the community.
We have also designed our curriculum to ensure that we have a strong emphasis on vocabulary, and to try, wherever possible, to approach learning in a practical way so that every child will have the chance to be part of the learning.  We encourage trips wherever possible so that children can experience things at first hand and where this is not possible, we try to access visitors into school so that learning can be brought to life.
Wollescote Primary School is committed to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum so that all of our children are ready for their next step in life. We do this by ensuring our curriculum builds effectively across the year groups to cover the knowledge and skills that children need to be ready for each stage of their education.  We also ensure there is a high degree of consistency which allows children to build more effectively from their previous learning.
Our Current Curriculum Priorities are: 
  • Every child will be educated to the highest possible standard, as set by the Department for Education
  • There will be a strong focus on vocabulary so that children have the opportunity to explore and develop language 
  • Where possible, learning will be practical and experiential so that all children have the opportunity to take part
  • Children will develop resilience and independence through learning from their mistakes
  • Children will be ready for their next step in their education and eventually to be respectful of each other and contribute to society

If you have any queries about our curriculum please contact N Andrews via email : info@wollescote.dudley.sch.uk or via telephone: 01384 818 500