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Daily routine


School gates open 

In order to make a prompt start, children should arrive by 8.50am

Children in EYFS & KS1 must be brought to school by an adult and handed over to the teacher to ensure that all children are safe.  

Please do not send children through the gate without an adult, as school can not ensure the safety of your child until they have passed through the classroom door.

Children in KS2 may be sent through the gate onto the KS2 playground without an adult, as there are staff on the playground to supervise them. However, if you want to bring your child onto the playground, you are more than welcome to do so.


School day starts

Registers close

KS1 12.00pm—12.55pm


We prefer children to stay on site at lunchtimes. These are important social times for children and they learn how to play with others, as well as how to resolve difficulties in a safe and secure environment. However, if you wish to take your child home for lunch they must be collected promptly at 12.00pm and the must return to the office by 12.55pm.

Children in Years 5 & 6 may walk home at lunchtime if a completed form has been received.

Year 3 and 5 12.00pm-12.45pm  


We prefer children to stay on site at lunchtimes. These are important social times for children and they learn how to play with others, as well as how to resolve difficulties in a safe and secure environment. However, if you wish to take your child home for lunch they must be collected promptly at 12.00pm and the must return to the office by 12.45pm.

Children in Year 5 may walk home at lunchtime if a completed form has been received.

Year 4 and 6 12.15pm-1.00pm


We prefer children to stay on site at lunchtimes. These are important social times for children and they learn how to play with others, as well as how to resolve difficulties in a safe and secure environment. However, if you wish to take your child home for lunch they must be collected promptly at 12.15pm and the must return to the office by 1.00pm.

Children in Year 6 may walk home at lunchtime if a completed form has been received.


End of school day

Children are dismissed to parents/carers by staff.

If your child is due to be picked up by someone else you must inform the school office.

We will not dismiss children to an unknown adult.


Children in Year 5 & 6 may walk home without an adult, to provide consent for this please complete the relevant form via ParentMail


For safeguarding reasons, parents/carers will not be allowed into any school building.


Total amount of time spent at school daily = 6.5 hours

Total amount of time spent at school weekly (5 days) = 32.5 hours