Safeguarding and Prevent
At Wollescote, we believe that everyone should be in charge of the health, safety and well being of every child. It has been and will always be or top priority to protect children.
All of our staff are trained in safeguarding and have constant refresher courses and meetings to ensure that they keep all children safe in education. All concerns are recorded and discussed with our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead).
We follow all procedures set out by the Dudley Safeguarding team. In the rare event that we need to contact outside agencies, we will discuss with parents and guardians of the child unless it is deemed counter to that child's welfare.
Key Contacts are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs J Walker
Designated Prevent Lead: Mrs J Walker
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Miss S Ryan and Miss L Hudson
Designated Person for Looked After Children (LAC): Mrs J Walker
Designated Teacher for Pupil Premium: Miss L Hudson
Have a concern?
If you are concerned about a child's safety, whether inside or outside of school, you can email our DSL on or phone us on 01384 818500
If you have a concern during the school holidays you can email us on or contact Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership on:
0300 555 0050 – For Children- Open from 9am until 5pm
0300 333 0055 – For Adults- Open from 9am until 5pm
If you are concerned out of hours, please call 0300 555 8874
If there you think your concern is an emergency, please call 999
If you have a concern or complaint regarding a staff member of the school, Please click the link below to see our complaints procedure:
Worries about learning online?
If you are worried about your children's safety whilst on line, please click the link below to access the Barnardos e-safety advice:
Barnardos e-safety
Further Safeguarding information
Keeping Children Safe in Education Document 2022
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Dudley Early Help Strategy 2021-2024
Keeping Children Safe Afterschool
What is Prevent?
PREVENT is an intervention before any criminal offence has been committed to stop indivduals or groups from moving towards a life of crime.
This is a serious safeguarding concern and at Wollescote Primary school we believe children should be safe from any message involving violent extremism in any form.
Information About Prevent
What Is Operation Encompass?
At Wollescote Primary School, we believe it is important to work with others and are part of operation in encompass which is part of the West Midlands Police.
Operation Encompass reports to schools when a child or young person has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident. This is to ensure that schools can help and provide resources where needed.
We liaise with the police and use the information shared by the police in strict confidence. We will never share incidents with others unless it is necessary to do so.