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The Wollescote Way




At Wollescote we have a clear values system which everyone follows. We ask all staff, pupils, parents and visitors to Be Proud, Be Positive and Be Polite in all they do and say. 


Effective behaviour management is embedded through our three simple rules and three simple values, by which we ensure we have the highest expectations of behaviour within school. Behaviour is everyone’s concern and should be addressed consistently and continuously by every member of staff.


Our three underpinning values are:


Be Proud

  • We have high expectations of all students.
  • Every child has the opportunity to succeed.
  • Every child is included in every activity

Be Positive 

  • Every child is a resilient learner.
  • Every child is an independent learner.
  • Mistakes are not barriers to learning

Be Polite

  • Every child has a right to be respected and valued,
  • Every child has the right to be included.
  • Every child has the right to learn.



Our Purpose

At Wollescote Primary School, we strive to promote the health and well being of our children as well as creating life longer learners with a positive mindset.

Our Vision

Throughout our school, we want to develop our community through our curriculum and school life.

Our Outcome

Our children will move on to the wider world with a healthy growth mindset and ready to tackle any of life's challenges.


Our Behaviour Policy

Our Principles of Behaviour Statement

Our Anti-Bullying Policy

If you have any enquiries please email us at: info@wollescote.dudley.sch.uk or telephone us on: 01384 818 500.